From Mary Ann's Desk

“And they went forth, and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen” Mark 16:20

The first order of the day is to wish you a very Happy and Wonderful New Year as you venture out into the new opportunities that await you.

Some folks are wondering if the world will come to an end in 2012, as the Mayan Indians and others have predicted, but our faith is not in these predictions. Our faith is in the words of our Lord Jesus Christ who told us to “occupy ‘til I come” (Luke 19:13), and so we carry on in full assurance that He is with us and will be with us all the way to the end, no matter when “the end” occurs.

Mark leaves for India on February 24th, and we are expecting this to be a most fruitful conference. Please read Mark’s column for all the details.

I have planned to be in Nigeria again this year in March. However, the date for the conference is not yet known, and the religious/political situation there has become unstable again. On or near Christmas Sunday, a series of five attacks occurred against churches and government buildings in various locations (St. Theresa’s Catholic Church in Madalla, just west of the nation’s capital city of Abuja; The Mountain of Fire Ministries church in the city of Jos in Plateau State; the city of Kano in Kano State; and, the cities of Damaturu and Gadaka in Yobe State) resulting in at least 42 deaths and an unknown number of injured. CNN reports tell us the “Nigerian Christians are losing faith that the government will protect them from attacks by Islamic extremists;” that they will “respond appropriately to future killings;” and, that they are calling these attacks “a declaration of war on Christians and Nigeria as an entity.” As a result, my plans for Nigeria are paused, awaiting further information. Please keep Nigeria in your prayers.

In late May/early June, I will be in Kampala, Uganda, with my brother Bron Barkley. We will be conducting a Leadership Conference for 200+ pastors during the day and open-air evangelistic crusades in the evenings. Bron has ministered in Kampala on two different occasions with great success, and the brethren there have pressed him to return. I was scheduled to accompany him on his 2007 trip, but was unable to go at that time. Needless to say, I am excited for the opportunity to go this year. We are believing God to abundantly bless this outreach to Kampala, as He has the previous two, and even greater.

My daughter Jennifer will be accompanying me, and our cost for this trip will be $6000.

Both Mark and I are looking at additional outreaches later in the year, and we will keep you apprised of them as they develop.

We invite you to be a part of one or both of these outreaches that will strengthen those who already believe and will result in many unbelievers becoming believers in Jesus Christ. Please keep these events in your prayers. And please ask the Lord if He would have you give toward them.

Thank you for your faithful partnership with us throughout the years. I know the blessings of God rest upon you because God honors such faithfulness. May 2012 be a year of increase for you, and may all the desires of your heart be met.

Because there are over 4.4 billion people in the world who still need Jesus, I remain

Yours in missions,

Mary Ann Cassidy


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