
Showing posts from July, 2013

From Mary Ann's Desk... Happy 4th of July!!!

“If the Son therefore shall make you free, you shall be free indeed.”  John 8:36 Happy 4th of July! Celebrating our Nation’s 237th Birthday! It’s that time of year for hot dogs, home made ice cream and fireworks. Thank you, Lord, for our freedom, for those who have been willing to give their lives for it, and for all those who still defend it today. But more importantly, Lord, thank You that regardless of the political state of this nation or this world, we know that our freedom is in You, purchased at Calvary. Intro to Bible Update The Second Edition of our Introduction to the Bible, Student Manual, is no longer a Student Manual. It has grown in such proportions that it has now become a book. Last month, Jennifer and I completed our first round of edits on the text, and in a few days, she will have completed the layout and graphic design work that is still remaining. At our Board of Directors Meeting later this month, we will be presenting a Draft Copy to each Board Mem

News from the North... Happy 4th of July!!!

Greetings from the Still Warm and Sunny North! Well, not quite true. We have clouds today (forecast says more sun tomorrow) but we’ve had nearly a month of sunshine and warm weather. Unusual for Juneau to say the least.  Actually, we’re glad to see the rain as long as it doesn’t overstay its welcome! Progress in Pune God is moving in Pune, you can feel it, sense it, see it. The desire for revival has taken root and started to sprout. There is a fresh, deep hunger for more of God and a willingness to pay any price for that “more.”  We saw this in the meetings and it was amplified while spending time with the leaders of several of the churches we ministered to. The hearts cry for “more” was clear and loud, heard in the willingness to  risk, to deal with the messes that revival creates and the willingness to re-examine long cherished cultural and religious beliefs and practices. Please, Lord Jesus, let this grow to maturity and bear fruit. Now, about the teaching on the Bride o