News From the North...

Greetings from the “Where’d Our Winter Go” North,

Weird. Cold, snowy December morphs into wet and windy January, and now it’s clear and, for Juneau, downright balmy for February. In fact, there have been several days this winter that we’ve been warmer than Louisiana. Maybe some of our Cajun friends should consider moving here to escape the frigid winters on the bayou.

Hard to believe that it’s just a bit more than 3 weeks away. I need to take this moment to say a very loud “Thank You!” Several people gave generously last month and there was more than enough money to purchase my airfare. Thank you Father for providing, again!

So...the tickets have been purchased, the ministry time scheduled and Mark is chomping at the bit. Departure date is February 27th.

We still need $800.00 by February 20th to meet the rest of the budget. If you would like to be a part of this mission, you still have time.

There is a wonderful sense of anticipation for this trip, a knowing that the Father set this up and has wonderful things in store. We’re convinced that the Lord is going to use this trip to lay the foundations for long-term relationships and ministry.

Please be in prayer for this trip. The building of relationships will be essential to future ministry there. The most likely barriers will be trust related, which can be true anywhere, but seems to be a particularly tough obstacle in Romania. Given the history of the country, it’s hard to imagine that it could be otherwise.
Mark will try to post on our blog while he’s in Romania, so if you want to keep up with what the Father is doing on this trip, go to

“Shame is easily dismissed in the presence of his love.” Jeremiah Johnson

Do you deal with shame? Not guilt (knowing you’ve done wrong) but shame...that sense that you are somehow wrong, that you are fundamentally “less” in some way. Many of us do, maybe most of us. But for those born again, the new creation, this should not be our portion. It’s a horrible thing to deal with, it builds walls between us and our brothers and sisters. Worse, it builds a wall between us and God. It’s hard to come before the Father when we are carrying misplaced shame.

The answer to this, as for most every issue we face, is in the love and grace of Jesus and what He did for us on the Cross. He has made us sons and daughters, heirs of the Kingdom, adopted, chosen children of the King. But most of all He rent the veil that separated us from the Father, His blood has cleansed us and freed us from sin, making us worthy to come before the Father. And it is there, in His presence, where shame can be banished from your life.

Yours for the Kingdom,

Mark & Julie


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