News From the North 11.2012
Greetings from the already freezing North,
Yeah, you read that right, this morning our low was 14. That’s cold for October, even here. Here’s hoping it doesn’t last.
It’s been a bit of a struggle to write this month, with the recent passing of my Mom and trip plans awaiting Bhalchandra’s arrival, but I believe I have heard the heart of the Father and I’d like to share with you.
As believers we often and rightfully think of what will last, what is eternal. Our souls, our lives, our loving service for the King and His Kingdom, and our loving, intimate communion with Jesus. But there is one other facet of our lives that is eternal – relationships. And I suspect many of you are like me and far to often neglect to think of relationships from the perspective of eternity.
Right after Mom joined the Lord, He impressed upon me quite powerfully that a broken relationship in her life was being restored. She had suffered the effects of that broken relationship her entire life, it colored everything, her perception of herself, others, her view of life. But that relationship could, and should, have been healed during her earthly life. Yes, it is healed now, but only after decades of suffering, decades in many ways wasted and it didn’t need to happen. All that was needed was love and transparency.
What I’ve come to understand is that we experience Heaven here in direct proportion to the love and transparency that we walk in. And we need both. Transparency allows the whole person, wounds, warts, and all to be loved. And love will not rest as long as there is hope that right relationship can be restored. To be continued…
We don’t know yet when the next trip will be. Weddings and funerals have a way of messing up plans, but we will be returning to India as soon as possible. While Bhalchandra is here in the states, we will be finalizing plans for the next trip and setting a date, after which I will be able to notify everyone. We would like to take a large enough team to split up and go to different churches, plus do some medical ministry. If you’re gonna dream, dream big! We still need an MD to partner with, so if you know a doctor that loves the Lord and people, and has a heart for missions, feel free to give him/her our contact info. And as always, consider yourself invited to join us. Please agree with us in prayer for God’s guidance in this endeavor.
Thanks for all your prayers, your generosity, and love.
Yours for the Kingdom,
Mark and Julie
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