My First Interview With A Millennial...
“...Write the vision, and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it.” Habbakuk 2:2 (NKJV)
Happy greetings to you on this wonderful day the Lord has made. I am expecting Him to bless me and use me for His glory. I hope you are. as well. Who knows what this day holds for us?
After all these months of CTN (Casting the Net to the Younger Generations) I had my first interview with a millennial who feels God is calling her to missions ministry. Her name is Rachel Reese.
It was a wonderful, exciting time with this precious young lady who is preparing herself for medical missions, which will open the door for her to share the gospel of Jesus Christ. She will receive her degree in nursing next year.
After that? What? Several possibilities lie before her, and we discussed them together.
Truth. She still has a few years of preparation before she will be ready to launch into ministry.
Bottom line, preparation is vital. Preparation takes time. That time is not wasted. She is well on her way.
Next question: Will ltimissions be able to help her? Yes. And all the others God will send our way.
How? you may ask.
Phase #1 - “Is God calling me?”
For those seeking the answer to that question. Easily attainable.
Mission retreats and trips that help people learn how to know if God is calling them to missions ministry.
Phase #2 – “Yes, Lord, I will go.”
For those who have answered the call.
Introduction to foreign missions studies, additional biblical studies when needed and orientation to life in a foreign culture.
It’s a big vision. Yes, and we serve a Great Big God. If it’s His vision (and I believe it is), He will bring it to pass.
We need help. At this point, “we” is my daughter, Jennifer, and myself. Jennifer is Director of Publications at ltimissions. I am everything else. And…
An Assistant
To begin with, I need an Assistant to handle the office. Someone who has a love for missions but does not feel called to go to the field. Rather, someone who feels called to Stay By The Stuff and do the nuts and bolts work of the ministry.
According to 1 Samuel 30:24, those who keep the home fires burning get the same reward as those who go out into the field to do ministry.
This is a noble calling and takes a special kind of person. This person is called to the ministry of Helps and is gifted with the skills necessary to run an office. The business side of things, if you will. They find their joy and fulfillment in knowing their efforts make all the difference in the world for the ones on the field. Without them, those on the field would have great difficulty fulfilling their jobs.
At this time, this would be a part-time position and perfect for a volunteer or someone (i.e., someone with their own income).
And or an Armor Bearer
The primary function of this person would be to travel with me. At this point in time it may be that the Assistant could fill this position, as well. Otherwise, I need an armor bearer when I travel. This person could be a missionary candidate who could gain valuable practical experience during these travel times. It could be someone who would simply be delighted to assist me in this way. Either way, this person will fill a very important need.
Many in my generation have been asking the Lord to raise up younger men and women to continue the work of full-time missions. It is time for us to be able to pass our batons to them for the next leg of this race called The Great Commission. It is time for the younger generations to fulfill this ministry in their own time. I thank God this is beginning to happen. May we see a great increase in their numbers as we go forward.
Please keep us and the needs mentioned above in your prayers.
Because there are over 4.4 billion people in the world who still need Jesus, I remain
Yours in missions,
Mary Ann Cassidy
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