From Mary Ann's Desk...

“But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.” NKJV

Happy greetings to you today.

The internet is a wonderful thing that allows our team to visit you once a month and bring you the news of what God is doing in our lives and in the parts of the world where we work for His glory. May you be blessed as your read our letter this month.

Let me begin by saying… It is a wonderful privilege to be called to take the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world outside our own country; to see the Gospel take root in the hearts and lives of the people, and watch them grow. It is like watching our own children grow and mature in both their natural and spiritual lives. It gives us great joy.

In times past, I have shared with you a bit of God’s call upon Mark’s life for Christian service in foreign nations. His is a wonderful story. I hope you enjoyed reading it.

Today, I want to share with you the day God placed His hand upon Julie’s life and planted His heart for foreign ministry into her heart.

The year was 1980. We were living in Ghana, W. Africa, at the time. It was a usual Sunday morning church service, and as the custom was, one of the deaconesses stood and sang out a song for everyone to sing while the people gathered for the service to begin. The song was “Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine. Oh what a foretaste of glory divine.” (This event is still as real to me as it was on the day it happened.) Suddenly, like a rushing mighty wind, the Holy Spirit entered that sanctuary through the front doors and filled the whole place with the glory of God. As we stood in the wonderful presence of the Lord, I realized that the Holy Spirit had rested upon Julie. I looked down at her by my side. She was weeping, and her little jaw was trembling under the mighty power of God. I leaned down and asked her, “Julie, do you know what is happening to you?”. She managed to say, “Nnnnnno,” and I said to her, “Honey, the Lord is wanting to fill you with His Holy Spirit. Just yield your little tongue to Him and let Him flow through you.” She was 8 years old. THAT DAY, she was gloriously baptized in the Holy Spirit and called to foreign ministry. From that day to this very day, the beat and cry of her heart has been to see the power of God come to the lost in Africa and any other place where God might want to send her/them.

You might look at this and wonder why Mark and Julie have not yet seen everything they feel God has prepared for them to accomplish in foreign service. Will you allow me to answer that question with another story?

This time, the year was 1963. Bro. Cassidy (Bud) and I were young and had been dating and had fallen in love. He was already in the ministry. I was a preacher’s kid. The day came when he proposed marriage to me, but he said he needed to tell me something before I gave him my answer. He said that God might want us to go to Africa someday. If He did, would I be willing to go? I said yes, I would go. So, before I said “I do” at the altar of marriage, I told him I would go to Africa if God wanted us to go.

Sixteen years passed before the door called Africa opened to us. During those years we continued on in the ministry – pastoring churches and administering and teaching in two small Bible colleges here at home.

Then the door called Africa opened. The year was 1979. By now we were in our 40’s and had 3 children, ages 14, 7 and 1. Why now, Lord? Why not when we were younger?
The answer lay in the customs of the people to whom God was sending us. You see, in Africa, and many other nations of the world, the people are not like us in America who value youthfulness over maturity. In fact, it is just the opposite. They value maturity over youthfulness. Had we not been in our 40’s with years of experience behind us, we would have never been received or listened to, because they would have considered us to be “small boys”. In other words, ”wet behind the ears”. We had to be older, more experienced, before God could send us.

I believe the same thing is true for Mark and Julie. I believe God has been grooming them and maturing them for the work He has for them to do in the various countries where He is opening doors for them.

Can you be an instrument to help them get “there”? Will you be willing to “go” to those places with them through your gifts of money and prayer? I ask you to ask the Lord if He wants to make you an instrument of encouragement and provision for them. I know the Lord will honor your prayer and speak to your heart if that is His desire for you. Thank you.

LAST MONTH I told you I would be sharing some of the wonderful things God is doing in Africa and India, but this newsletter has taken a different turn. So, NEXT month I will be sharing those things with you, God willing.

April 17th, I will be at Cornerstone Church of God in Melbourne, Florida, with Pastor Louis Lemley and his congregation, to speak on the subject of Missions. I thank God for this opportunity to encourage God’s people in this wonderful ministry of foreign missions.

Thank you for standing so faithfully with us in this work God has called us to. Your gifts and prayers strengthen us to move forward in His plan. You are important to the Kingdom of God. We are believing God for more than enough to accomplish His purpose in our lives. Will you agree with us? Thank you, and may God’s blessings be abundant in your lives in overflowing measures.

Because there are over 4.4 billion people in the world who still need Jesus, I remain

Yours in missions,

Mary Ann Cassidy


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