From Mary Ann's Desk...

“But in fact Christ has been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep. …Christ the firstfruits, then at his coming those who belong to Christ.” I Corinthians 15:20, 23 (ESV)

Greetings in the wonderful name of Jesus Christ.

I trust all is well with you and all that pertains to you. 

Later this month, we will be celebrating again the advent of Christ’s resurrection from the dead. This advent of His life causes us to remember, with joy and thanksgiving, the tremendous work He accomplished in His flesh for our redemption, crowned with Him being raised from the dead. 
Not only that, but this advent also allows us to look beyond this life to the life eternal that we will be sharing with Him and all our fellow believers, because the power of His resurrection will have been realized in our own bodies. Our hope will be reality. Our redemption will be complete. What a day that will be! 

May your Resurrection/Easter Sunday be gloriously wonderful.

Thirty-six years ago, Bud and I began writing teaching materials for our students in Hope Institute of Theology in Accra, Ghana, W. Africa. Our efforts to find already published materials to meet our specific needs had proved futile, so we took on the task ourselves. 
To say that it was a daunting task is no exaggeration. But it was a very fulfilling task. 
Thirty years ago, I began writing a series of teaching materials for use in the local church. I called this series “Christian Growth Studies.” I enjoyed it more than I can say. Teaching is in my bones. The only thing that gives me more joy than the actual exercise of teaching is to write materials for that purpose. However, the ministry needs of LTI began to require my full attention, and soon I had to abandon that exercise. 

Now, I am back to writing again. Several of our national leaders in Nigeria and India are asking me to do this for them. If they cannot have me in person, they want me in “writing.” 
What an honor, and what a joy to be able to continue working in the calling that is in my life. 
I will be combining the two aspects of writing mentioned above. In both cases, it is my desire that God will be glorified and His kingdom in the hearts of men will be increased. What a wonderful assignment for me in this season of my life. 

I have some really good reports coming from Nigeria, Uganda, and India that I am eager to share with you, but that will have to wait until next month. 
Thank you for standing with us in this work. Your faithful prayer and financial support is what keeps us moving forward. May the blessings of the Lord rest upon you continually, is my prayer. 

Because there are over 4.4 billion people in the world who still need Jesus, I remain

Yours in missions,

Mary Ann Cassidy


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