From Mary Ann's Desk...
“For of Him, and through Him, and to Him, are all things: to whom be glory for ever. Amen.” Romans 22:36
Almost seven years have passed since the Lord spoke the word “change” to me with the understanding that there were going to be changes in my personal life, in my family, in LTI and massive changes in the political scene worldwide.
As I began to write this newsletter my thoughts went back to that word. Quite a few changes have already taken place in each of these areas. Today I would like to share with you the most recent change. It affects me, my family and LTI.
With regard to myself, you are already aware of the physical challenges I have been dealing with for the past few years. You also know that I am recovering very well – seeing better and getting stronger every day. However, I still need to have a companion for traveling.
You also know that my daughter Jennifer has been living with me, which has been a great blessing to me. In addition to that, she significantly adds to LTI as our Graphic Arts and Publications Director. Her secular job also added to both me and LTI in that it had a flexibility factor that enabled her to travel with me - doing all the driving and heavy lifting that accompanies travel. And she enjoyed all of it.
But, she really needed a better job.
Early this spring that better-job opportunity presented itself. We knew it was the provision of the Lord for her. However, it required that she relocate. She is still in Florida, but she no longer has flexible hours. That means she can no longer freely travel with me. We are searching out alternative ways by which I will be able to continue traveling stateside.
This affects LTI in two ways. 1) We have to plan more strategically for publishing our newsletter every month, using the internet, but it takes more time and scheduling to accomplish. 2) I may not be able to travel to as many places as I would like each year.
This does not mean that we are not able to continue our work. Quite the contrary.
For the past year-and-a-half Jennifer has assisted me in writing “our” book “Introduction to the Bible.” It really is a cooperative effort. My impaired eyesight, her job obligations, and now her new job and relocation have reduced the amount of free time we need for the completion of this project. But we are still working on it and will continue to do so until we have reached the mark called “Finished.” The next step, then, will be to get it published. Hopefully that day will come soon. When it does arrive, we will have an updated and improved text book for teaching the next generation of church leaders in our work overseas, as well as making it available to anyone who may find it helpful to them. And, as always, I continue performing all of the administrative and office duties of the ministry.
In addition, Mark continues working overseas. As he shared last month, more new doors are being opened to him/us, and we are seeking the guidance of the Lord as to which doors to walk through. Needless to say, these opportunities excite me.
Remember. There will always be a need for ministries like Leadership Training International, because there will always be a new generation arriving on the scene of life that needs to be taught and prepared to carry on in the work of the Lord.
Change comes. We adjust. We carry on.
Thank you for being faithful fellow workers with us through the years. Our “train” rides on the rails of Prayer and Giving that you provide to us and those to whom we minister. May God’s grace abound to you with increased measure is my prayer for you today.
Because there are over 4.4 billion people in the world who still need Jesus, I remain
Yours in missions,
Mary Ann Cassidy
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