Greetings from the sunny, semi-warm north, yes, 55 degrees is in fact on the warmer side.

So, India, wow what a trip! We saw God show up in a big way with multiple healings. One woman had total hearing restored to her right ear, several skin aliments were healed, as well as quite a few inner healings, with people having their hope restored, broken hearts mended, and hunger for God renewed. No doubt the seeds of revival have been planted in Pune.

We were anticipating a smaller crowd this year, with 150 to 200 people maximum. With that in mind we went in with plans for fewer large group meetings, and more smaller workshop-type focus groups for more one on one ministry. However, when we got there the first night there were 250 to 300 people, second night 300+ and the third night there were close to 400 people in attendance. Needless to say we had to change our game plan a bit since there just wasn’t space or enough teachers to break the crowd up, but God had it covered.

Greg and I taught primarily on our identity in Christ, with Bill speaking on inner healing. Over the course of three nights we saw a stoic, quiet group of people turn into a boisterous, joyful, and fairly rowdy crowd as they began to get a new revelation of what it means to be a child of the Most High King!

One event that really sticks out in my mind is the Sunday morning service in which Bill and I both shared. For this service the Holy Spirit was really highlighting the kids.  There was a word given over one girl around 9 years of age that she was called to reveal God’s glory to her generation.  As this word was being given, her father’s eyes opened up like saucers. When we asked him about his response, he said “her name is Shekinah!” This was followed by a word to the parents that they needed to be paying attention to the things she was saying because she has a prophetic gift.  The room erupted with laughter. So then again we were asking about their response and someone from the audience called out “she talks all the time”. That’s one for the scrapbook.

Tomorrow I will be headed to Cajun country to the missions conference in Galliano, LA. I’m looking forward to what God has planned for me to share at Christian Fellowship Church, spending time with Pastor Cheramie, not to mention getting the chance to wet a line. (That’s technical speak for fly fishing to the uninitiated)

Next month I will continue with the report on the India trip. Until then, be blessed.

Yours for the Kingdom,

Mark and Julie


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