
Showing posts from July, 2018

Summertime Means Travel...

“Yet Jesus himself frequently withdrew to the wilderness and prayed.” Luke 5:16 (NET) If you think you didn’t get a newsletter in June, you are correct. Do not fret. I am still alive and well. I have simply felt the need to draw away from as many of life’s duties as possible for a special time of seeking the Lord.  The chorus of a song I learned in my childhood, “Shut in With God,” says it for me: “Shut in with God in the secret place. There in the Spirit beholding His face. Gaining new power to run in the race. I long to be shut in with God.” I have not made as much progress in my assignment as I would have liked to in the past little while; and, I have felt the need for some serious soul searching. There are four questions I have placed before the Lord: 1) Have I been experiencing spiritual warfare on a new level for me in recent months, even          years? 2) Or, am I still dealing with the ravages of chemotherapy? 3) Or, I simply dealing with the a